Welcome to Android
4.3, a sweeter version of Jelly Bean!
Android 4.3 includes
performance optimizations and great new features for users and developers. This
document provides a glimpse of what's new for developers.
See the Android 4.3 APIs document for a detailed look at the new developer APIs.
Faster, Smoother, More Responsive
Android 4.3 builds on
the performance improvements already included in Jelly Bean — vsync timing, triple buffering, reduced touch latency, CPU input boost, andhardware-accelerated 2D rendering — and adds new optimizations that make Android
even faster.
For a graphics
performance boost, the hardware-accelerated 2D renderer now optimizes the
stream of drawing commands,
transforming it into a more efficient GPU format by rearranging and merging
draw operations. For multithreaded processing, the renderer can also now use multithreading
across multiple CPU cores to perform certain tasks.
Android 4.3 also
improves rendering for shapes and text. Shapes such as circles and rounded
rectangles are now rendered at higher quality in a more efficient manner.
Optimizations for text include increased performance when using multiple fonts
or complex glyph sets (CJK), higher rendering quality when scaling text, and
faster rendering of drop shadows.
window buffer allocation results in a faster
image buffer allocation for your apps, reducing the time taken to start
rendering when you create a window.
highest-performance graphics, Android 4.3 introduces support for OpenGL ES 3.0 and makes it accessible to apps through both
framework and native APIs. On supported devices, the hardware accelerated 2D
rendering engine takes advantage of OpenGL ES 3.0 to optimize texture
management and increase gradient
rendering fidelity.
OpenGL ES 3.0 for
High-Performance Graphics
Android 4.3 introduces
platform support for Khronos OpenGL ES 3.0
providing games and other apps with highest-performance 2D and 3D graphics
capabilities on supported devices. You can take advantage of OpenGL ES 3.0 and
related EGL extensions using either framework APIs or native API bindings through the Android Native Development Kit
Key new functionality
provided in OpenGL ES 3.0 includes acceleration of advanced visual effects,
high quality ETC2/EAC texture compression as a standard feature, a new version
of the GLSL ES shading language with integer and 32-bit floating point support,
advanced texture rendering, and standardized texture size and render-buffer
You can use the OpenGL
ES 3.0 APIs to create highly complex, highly efficient graphics that run across
a range of compatible Android devices, and you can support a single, standard
texture-compression format across those devices.
OpenGL ES 3.0 is an
optional feature that depends on underlying graphics hardware. Support is
already available on Nexus 7 (2013), Nexus 4, and Nexus 10 devices.
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